Friday, 14 January 2011

Banquet for Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang

I was grateful to be invited to the banquet in honour of Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang (who many feel may become the next Premier) on 11th January at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Also attended by UK Foreign Secretary of State William Hague and Business Secretary of State Vince Cable, the impressive Chinese delegation of Government and Business representatives made a strong impression.

Vice Premier Li Keqiang spoke eloquently about China’s objectives in the forthcoming 12th Five Year Plan, and I am particularly encouraged by the increased focus on Chinese companies growing and investing internationally. Combined with plans to grow the digital creative industries’ share of Chinese GDP substantially, this appears to represent a clear endorsement of Chinese digital companies’ domestic and international growth potential. From direct discussions with high growth Chinese digital companies, it is an opportunity which they are pursuing very seriously.